Results for 'Whom Are We Kidding'

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  1. Subject Index to Volume 29.Teen Smokers, Adolescent Patient Confidentiality & Whom Are We Kidding - 2001 - Substance 125 (131):279.
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    Are students kidding with health research ethics? The case of HIV/aids research in Cameroon.Nchangwi Syntia Munung, Godfrey B. Tangwa, Chi Primus Che, Laurent Vidal & Odile Ouwe-Missi-Oukem-Boyer - 2012 - BMC Medical Ethics 13 (1):1-7.
    Background Universities in Cameroon are playing an active part in HIV/AIDS research and much of this research is carried out by students, usually for the purpose of a dissertation/thesis. Student theses/dissertations present research findings in a much more comprehensive manner and have been described as the stepping-stone of a budding scientist’s potential in becoming an independent researcher. It is therefore important to verify how students handle issues of research ethics. Method Theses/dissertations on HIV/AIDS that described research studies involving the use (...)
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    With Whom Are We at War?J. H. Muirhead - 1940 - Philosophy 15 (57):3 - 6.
    Second in importance only to the question raised by the short editorial in the last number of Philosophy : Why are we at War? is that on which there is at present a lively discussion going on in The Times and elsewhere under the title of “German Rulers and People”: With Whom are we at War? On one point there is no difference of opinion: we are at war with the blood- and crimestained group that, with Hitler at their (...)
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    Whom are we waiting for in times of globalization?: Between Benedict XVI and Alasdair Maclntyre.Ignacio Serrano del Pozo - 2015 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 33 (33):25-42.
    El presente trabajo quiere analizar la encíclica Caritas in veritate desde la idea de globalización como clave hermenéutica de todo el documento. Nos parece que este noción -comprendida en sus múltiples dimensiones sociales, éticas, políticas, culturales y espirituales- puede contribuir no sólo a una comprensión más profunda de este texto, sino que también puede ayudar a desentrañar muchas de las críticas que ha recibido esta carta, su excesiva extensión y complejidad temática, así como su silencio sobre el capitalismo y el (...)
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  5. The Sokal Hoax: At Whom Are We Laughing?Mara Beller - unknown
    The hoax perpetrated by New York University theoretical physicist Alan Sokal in 1996 on the editors of the journal Social Text quickly became widely known and hotly debated. (See Physics Today January 1997, page 61, and March 1997, page 73.) "Transgressing the Boundaries -- Toward a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity," was the title of the parody he slipped past the unsuspecting editors. [1] Many readers of Sokal's article characterized it as an ingenious exposure of the decline of the intellectual (...)
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  6. Whom, When We Bound Social Research.What Are We Bounding - 1995 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 62 (1995):4.
  7.  73
    Good kid, m.A.A.d city: Kendrick Lamar's Autoethnographic Method.James B. Haile - 2018 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 32 (3):488-498.
    ABSTRACT In characterizing his second studio album, good kid, m.A.A.d city, as a “short film” Kendrick Lamar offers something of a public declaration: We, the listening audience, are not hearing another hip-hop album, just another “autobiography” or slice of one person's life, but, rather, something else; we are hearing a mixture of social, cultural, and personal narrative truth in what will be termed “autoethnography.” In doing so, Lamar offers us a new way of thinking about hip-hop as a whole, not (...)
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  8.  21
    The Kids Aren't Alright.Connor K. Kianpour - 2023 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 25 (3).
    I first argue that forms of regulated parenting are presumptively justified whereas private parenting is not. Then, I argue that the reasons we have to believe that regulated parenting is justified give us reasons to believe that individuals who are objectionably intolerant—that is, they subscribe to prejudicial dogmas such as racism, sexism, and homophobia to such an extent that their ability to direct caring attitudes toward, for example, Black people, women, and/or gay people is significantly impaired—ought not to rear children. (...)
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    Should Kids Pay Their Own Way?Patrick Tomlin - 2015 - Political Studies.
    Children are expensive to raise. Ensuring that they are raised in such a way that they are able to lead a minimally decent life costs time and money, and lots of both. Who is responsible for bearing the costs of the things that children are undoubtedly owed? This is a question that has received comparatively little scrutiny from political philosophers,despite children being such a drain on public and private finances alike. To the extent that there is a debate, two main (...)
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    Making Grateful Kids: The Science of Building Character.Jeffrey Froh & Giacomo Bono - 2014 - Templeton Press.
    If there was a new wonder drug on the market that got kids to behave better, improve their grades, feel happier, and avoid risky behaviors, many parents around the world would be willing to empty their bank accounts to acquire it. Amazingly, such a product actually does exist. It’s not regulated by the FDA, it has no ill side-effects, and it’s absolutely free and avail­able to anyone at any time. This miracle cure is gratitude. Over the past decade, science has (...)
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    Kids observing other kids’ hands: Visuomotor priming in children.Marco Tullio Liuzza, Annalisa Setti & Anna M. Borghi - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):383-392.
    We investigated motor resonance in children using a priming paradigm. Participants were asked to judge the weight of an object shortly primed by a hand in an action-related posture or a non action-related one . The hand prime could belong to a child or to an adult. We found faster response times when the object was preceded by a grasp hand posture . More crucially, participants were faster when the prime was a child’s hand, suggesting that it could belong to (...)
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  12.  30
    The Kids Are Not Alright: The Mental Health Toll of Environmental Injustice.McKenna F. Parnes, Mary Beth Bennett, Maya Rao, Katherine E. MacDuffie, Angela Y. Zhang, H. Mollie Grow & Elliott Mark Weiss - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (3):40-44.
    We applaud Ray and Cooper (2024) for emphasizing environmental health as a bioethics issue. As a team of interdisciplinary pediatric researchers and providers who are part of an institutional clima...
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  13. The Kids are Alright: Philosophical Dialogue and the Utah Lyceum.Kristopher G. Phillips - 2019 - Precollege Philosophy and Public Practice 1:42-57.
    This paper serves as a call to philosophers both to create more precollege philosophy programs, and to push back against the instrumentalization of the value of philosophy. I do not intend to defend the intrinsic value of philosophy in this paper, though in an indirect way I will offer a defense of the value of precollege philosophy. I discuss the history, theory and practice behind the Utah Lyceum, a precollege philosophy summer camp program I helped create in rural Utah. I (...)
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  14. Just Kidding Folks! An Expressivist Analysis of Humor.Thomas Brommage - 2015 - Florida Philosophical Review 15 (1):66-77.
    In this paper, I will to lay down what I call an expressivist account of the pragmatics of jokes, through which I wish to shed light on the function of offensive jokes in particular. I will focus specifically on jokes, not humor more generally. Jokes are particular sorts of speech-acts; and although many may be issued in the form of declarative or interrogative sentences, they are not reducible to them. I suggest here that their analysis must be understood in terms (...)
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    Slithering snakes, angry men and out-group members: What and whom are we evolved to fear?Kimberley M. Mallan, Ottmar V. Lipp & Benjamin Cochrane - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (7):1168-1180.
  16.  30
    Who are ‘we’ to speak of benefits and harms? And to whom do we speak? A (sympathetic) response to Woollard on breast feeding and language.Ben Saunders - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (3):215-216.
    In a recent article, Fiona Woollard draws attention to a number of problems, both theoretical and pragmatic, with current discourse around infant feeding. References both to the ‘benefits of breastfeeding’ and ‘harms of formula’ are problematic, since there is no obvious baseline of comparison against which to make these evaluations. Further, she highlights the pragmatic consequences of these linguistic choices. Saying that formula feeding harms babies, for instance, is likely to exacerbate feelings of guilt and shame felt by many mothers (...)
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  17. (1 other version)Hey, Google, leave those kids alone: Against hypernudging children in the age of big data.James Smith & Tanya de Villiers-Botha - 2021 - AI and Society.
    Children continue to be overlooked as a topic of concern in discussions around the ethical use of people’s data and information. Where children are the subject of such discussions, the focus is often primarily on privacy concerns and consent relating to the use of their data. This paper highlights the unique challenges children face when it comes to online interferences with their decision-making, primarily due to their vulnerability, impressionability, the increased likelihood of disclosing personal information online, and their developmental capacities. (...)
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    “Trust us, we feed this to our kids”: women and public trust in the Canadian agri-food system.Jennifer Braun, Mary Beckie & Ken Caine - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (2):495-507.
    Public trust of conventionally produced food is now a pivotal issue for the Canadian food supply chain as consumers are increasingly demanding traceability, transparency and sustainability of the agri-food system. To ensure that Canadians understand what farmers do, how they do it, and why—there has been significant human and financial investment by both the agri-food industry and government over the last decade. Farmers, civil servants, and non-farming agricultural professionals alike are being encouraged to join the national conversation promoting the legitimacy (...)
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    Blaming the Kids: Children's Agency and Diminished Responsibility.Michael Tiboris - 2013 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 31 (1):77-90.
    Children are less blameworthy for their beliefs and actions because they are young. But the relationship between development and responsibility is complex. What exactly grounds the excuses we rightly give to young agents? This article presents three distinct arguments for children's diminished responsibility. Drawing on significant resources from developmental psychology, it rejects views which base the normative adult/child distinction on children's inability to participate in certain kinds of moral communication or to form principled self-conceptions which guide their actions. The article (...)
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  20.  20
    What Are We Bounding, and Whom, When We Bound Social Research?Immanuel Wallerstein - 1995 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 62.
  21.  30
    The Gene Machine: How Genetic Technologies Are Changing the Way We Have Kids—and the Kids We Have by Bonnie RochmanThe Gene Machine: How Genetic Technologies Are Changing the Way We Have Kids—and the Kids We Have by Bonnie Rochman. New York, NY: Scientific American/Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2017.Karey A. Harwood - 2018 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 11 (1):168-172.
    Bonnie Rochman's first book, The Gene Machine: How Genetic Technologies Are Changing the Way We Have Kids—and the Kids We Have, is an impressive work of science journalism that provides a compelling introduction to some of the most important ethical questions raised by genetic technologies. Written for a general audience, The Gene Machine is a model for how to approach contentious ethical questions with equanimity, compassion, and, most importantly, accurate information. Rochman elucidates the facts, gives voice to the most relevant (...)
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    (1 other version)Religiosity Scales: What Are We Measuring in Whom?Marsha Cutting & Michelle Walsh - 2008 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 30 (1):137-153.
    At least 177 scales are available to researchers who want to measure religiosity, but questions exist as to exactly what these scales are measuring and in whom they are measuring it. A review of these scales found a lack items designed to measure ethical action in society or the world as a prophetic response to the experience of the divine. Instead, the vast majority of scales focus on internal experiences and beliefs or institutional relationships. A review of scale norm (...)
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    Is it the Kids or the Schedule?: The Incremental Effect of Families and Flexible Scheduling on Perceived Career Success.Elizabeth D. Almer, Jeffrey R. Cohen & Louise E. Single - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 54 (1):51-65.
    Flexible work arrangements (FWAs) are widely offered in public accounting as a tool to retain valued professional staff. Previous research has shown that participants in FWAs are perceived to be less likely to succeed in their careers in public accounting than individuals in public accounting who do not participate in FWAs (Cohen and Single, 2001). Research has also documented an increasing backlash against family–friendly policies in the workplace as placing unfair burdens on individuals without children. Building directly on a previous (...)
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    “Poor Fat Kids”: Social Justice at the Intersection of Obesity and Poverty in Childhood.Gunter Graf & Gottfried Schweiger - 2016 - Dilemata. International Journal of Applied Ethics 21:53-70.
    Obesity and poverty in childhood are widely studied phenomena and despite mixed results, some findings are without doubt: they come with various experiences of mental, physical and social harm, have therefore negative effects on the well-being of children, and they intersect in relation with race, class and gender. In this contribution we analyze child obesity and poverty from a philosophical social justice perspective, which has, to a large extent, so far neglected this topic. We show how they compromise social justice (...)
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  25.  19
    Why it Can Be Permissible to Have Kids in the Climate Emergency.Elizabeth Cripps - 2025 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 42 (1):24-43.
    Having a child is one of the highest-carbon decisions made by affluent individuals. Does this uncomfortable fact mean they should limit biological family size? This salient question also forces attention to two key issues. One is just how demanding individual climate justice duties are. The other is the danger of ‘ivory tower’ reasoning by privileged philosophers. On some topics, it is imperative carefully to integrate philosophical discussion with sociological and psychological research. Assuming individual climate justice duties include cutting one's carbon (...)
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  26.  12
    Nasty, brutish, and short: adventures in philosophy with kids.Scott Hershovitz - 2022 - New York: Penguin Press.
    From a Michigan professor of law and philosophy, a thought-provoking investigation into life's biggest questions with the help of great philosophers old and new-including his two young children. Like any new parent, Scott Hershovitz closely observed his two young sons, Rex and Hank, from their early days. From the time they could talk, he noticed that they raised philosophical questions and were determined to answer them. Children find the world a puzzling place, so they try to puzzle it out. Often, (...)
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    You've Got to Be Kidding!: How Jokes Can Help You Think.John Capps & Donald Capps - 2009 - Malden MA: Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by Donald Capps.
    _You've Got to Be Kidding!: How Jokes Can Help You Think_ is a thoughtful and accessible analysis of the ways in which jokes illustrate how we think critically, and how the thinking process goes awry in everyday human situations Uses jokes to illustrate the various mistakes or fallacies that are typically identified and discussed in courses on critical reasoning Provides an effective way to learn critical thinking skills since jokes often describe real-life situations where it really matters whether a (...)
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  28. New Zealand children’s experiences of online risks and their perceptions of harm Evidence from Ngā taiohi matihiko o Aotearoa – New Zealand Kids Online.Edgar Pacheco & Neil Melhuish - 2020 - Netsafe.
    While children’s experiences of online risks and harm is a growing area of research in New Zealand, public discussion on the matter has largely been informed by mainstream media’s fixation on the dangers of technology. At best, debate on risks online has relied on overseas evidence. However, insights reflecting the New Zealand context and based on representative data are still needed to guide policy discussion, create awareness, and inform the implementation of prevention and support programmes for children. This research report (...)
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    The Day of Rest: an interreligious approach.Subhasis Chattopadhyay - 2025 - The Herald (2):4.
    Recently the dour L&T Chariman who is a plutocrat demanded of his employess the giving up of Sundays as days of rest and like the nameless of Pharaoh whom we encounter in the Hebrew Scriptures, advises his employees who earn peanuts to work 90 hours every week. This letter to the editor reinstates the day of rest as crucial to both Hindus and Christians. It refers cursorily to Heidegger and then also attacks cram schools in India where kids are (...)
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    The weight of rhetoric: Studies in cultural delirium.Thomas B. Farrell - 2008 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 41 (4):pp. 467-487.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Weight of Rhetoric: Studies in Cultural DeliriumThomas B. FarrellThere is something of this anachronistic doggedness in all importance, and to use it as a criterion of thought is to impose on thought a spellbound fixity, and a loss of self-reflection. The great themes are nothing other than primeval rumblings which cause the animal to pause and try to bring them forth once again. This does not mean that (...)
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    Is it the kids or the schedule?: The incremental effect of families and flexible scheduling on perceived career success. [REVIEW]Elizabeth D. Almerm, Jeffrey R. Cohen & Louise E. Single - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 54 (1):51-65.
    Flexible work arrangements (FWAs) are widely offered in public accounting as a tool to retain valued professional staff. Previous research has shown that participants in FWAs are perceived to be less likely to succeed in their careers in public accounting than individuals in public accounting who do not participate in FWAs (Cohen and Single, 2001). Research has also documented an increasing backlash against family–friendly policies in the workplace as placing unfair burdens on individuals without children. Building directly on a previous (...)
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    Here’s Not Looking at You, Kid: A New Defense of Anti-Natalism.Blake Hereth & Anthony Ferrucci - 2021 - South African Journal of Philosophy 40 (1):14-33.
    Anti-natalism is the view that persons ought morally to refrain from procreation. We offer a new argument for a principled version of anti-natalism according to which it is always impermissible to procreate in the actual world since doing so will violate the right to physical security of future, created persons once those persons exist and have the right. First, we argue that procreators can be responsible for non-trivial harms that befall future persons even if they do not cause them and (...)
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  33. Gonzo Strategies of Deceit: An Interview with Joaquin Segura.Brett W. Schultz - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):117-124.
    Joaquin Segura. Untitled (fig. 40) . 2007 continent. 1.2 (2011): 117-124. The interview that follows is a dialogue between artist and gallerist with the intent of unearthing the artist’s working strategies for a general public. Joaquin Segura is at once an anomaly in Mexico’s contemporary art scene at the same time as he is one of the most emblematic representatives of a larger shift toward a post-national identity among its youngest generation of artists. If Mexico looks increasingly like a foreclosed (...)
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    The Weight I Just Can’t Lose.Shelley Lynn Meyers - 2014 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 4 (2):4-6.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Weight I Just Can’t LoseShelley Lynn MeyersI have always been a “fat person”. According to the medical definition though, I have not always been obese. I have spent most of my life on a journey from chubby to obese, finally ending at my current “overweight” status. After years of struggling with obesity I had gastric bypass surgery, finally losing enough weight to be “normal.” However, regardless of the (...)
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    Early evolution: prokaryotes, the new kids on the block.Anthony Poole, Daniel Jeffares & David Penny - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (10):880-889.
    Prokaryotes are generally assumed to be the oldest existing form of life on earth. This assumption, however, makes it difficult to understand certain aspects of the transition from earlier stages in the origin of life to more complex ones, and it does not account for many apparently ancient features in the eukaryotes. From a model of the RNA world, based on relic RNA species in modern organisms, one can infer that there was an absolute requirement for a high-accuracy RNA replicase (...)
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    Politics of Addressing, Problems of Reception: To Whom Are Anglophone Indian Philosophers Speaking?Elise Coquereau-Saouma - 2018 - Sophia 57 (3):489-500.
    The demand for the recognition of non-Western philosophy has often brought about the opposition of substantialized entities such as ‘India’ and the ‘West,’ which has nourished the drifts of nationalistic rhetoric. As a decolonizing process but also as a deconstruction of nationalistic revivals, it is necessary to investigate the presuppositions involved when defining ‘Indian philosophy’ in these post-colonial demands for recognition. Considering that the understanding of what is ‘Indian philosophy’ and its claim for recognition is a prerequisite for its reception, (...)
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  37.  13
    Little sprouts and the Dao of parenting: ancient Chinese philosophy and the art of raising mindful, resilient, and compassionate kids.Erin M. Cline - 2020 - New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company.
    A philosopher and mother mines classic Daoist texts of Chinese philosophy for wisdom relevant to today's parents. The ancient Chinese philosopher Mencius compared children to tender sprouts, shaped by soil, sunlight, water, and, importantly, the efforts of patient farmers and gardeners. At times children require our protection, other times we need to take a step back and allow them to grow. Like sprouts, a child's character, tendencies, virtues, and vices are at once observable and ever-changing. A practical parenting manual, philosophical (...)
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    To Whom is the Chaplain Beholden? Guest Editor Introduction to Special Issue.Jordan Mason - 2024 - Christian Bioethics 30 (1):1-5.
    In this issue of Christian Bioethics, we invite chaplains and theologians to examine the role of the hospital chaplain in the contemporary institutional setting of the hospital. The simplicity of the chaplain’s role is often taken for granted; yet, this role is actually multivalent, with duties and loyalties pulling from many different sides. Chaplains are people of faith, ordained and/or endorsed ministers, and pastoral care professionals; they are at once beholden to God, to their own faith expression, and to their (...)
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  39. For Whom Does Determinism Undermine Moral Responsibility? Surveying the Conditions for Free Will Across Cultures.Ivar R. Hannikainen, Edouard Machery, David Rose, Stephen Stich, Christopher Y. Olivola, Paulo Sousa, Florian Cova, Emma E. Buchtel, Mario Alai, Adriano Angelucci, Renatas Berniûnas, Amita Chatterjee, Hyundeuk Cheon, In-Rae Cho, Daniel Cohnitz, Vilius Dranseika, Ángeles Eraña Lagos, Laleh Ghadakpour, Maurice Grinberg, Takaaki Hashimoto, Amir Horowitz, Evgeniya Hristova, Yasmina Jraissati, Veselina Kadreva, Kaori Karasawa, Hackjin Kim, Yeonjeong Kim, Minwoo Lee, Carlos Mauro, Masaharu Mizumoto, Sebastiano Moruzzi, Jorge Ornelas, Barbara Osimani, Carlos Romero, Alejandro Rosas López, Massimo Sangoi, Andrea Sereni, Sarah Songhorian, Noel Struchiner, Vera Tripodi, Naoki Usui, Alejandro Vázquez del Mercado, Hrag A. Vosgerichian, Xueyi Zhang & Jing Zhu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Philosophers have long debated whether, if determinism is true, we should hold people morally responsible for their actions since in a deterministic universe, people are arguably not the ultimate source of their actions nor could they have done otherwise if initial conditions and the laws of nature are held fixed. To reveal how non-philosophers ordinarily reason about the conditions for free will, we conducted a cross-cultural and cross-linguistic survey (N = 5,268) spanning twenty countries and sixteen languages. Overall, participants tended (...)
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  40. For whom the bell arguments toll.James Hawthorne & Michael Silberstein - 1995 - Synthese 102 (1):99-138.
    We will formulate two Bell arguments. Together they show that if the probabilities given by quantum mechanics are approximately correct, then the properties exhibited by certain physical systems must be nontrivially dependent on thetypes of measurements performedand eithernonlocally connected orholistically related to distant events. Although a number of related arguments have appeared since John Bell's original paper (1964), they tend to be either highly technical or to lack full generality. The following arguments depend on the weakest of premises, and the (...)
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    Caring for Whom? Racial Practices of Care and Liberal Constructivism.Asha Leena Bhandary - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (4):78.
    Inequalities in expectations to receive care permeate social structures, reinforcing racialized and gendered hierarchies. Harming the people who are overburdened and disadvantaged as caregivers, these inequalities also shape the subjectivities and corporeal habits of the class of people who expect to receive care from others. With three examples, I illustrate a series of justificatory asymmetries across gender and racial lines that illustrate (a) asymmetries in deference and attendance to the needs of others as well as (b) assertions of the rightful (...)
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    Representing Whom? U.K. Health Consumer and Patients’ Organizations in the Policy Process.Rob Baggott & Kathryn L. Jones - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (3):341-349.
    This paper draws on nearly two decades of research on health consumer and patients’ organizations in the United Kingdom. In particular, it addresses questions of representation and legitimacy in the health policy process. HCPOs claim to represent the collective interests of patients and others such as relatives and carers. At times they also make claims to represent the wider public interest. Employing Pitkin’s classic typology of formalistic, descriptive, symbolic, and substantive representation, the paper explores how and in what sense HCPOs (...)
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    IRB and Research Regulatory Delays Within the Military Health System: Do They Really Matter? And If So, Why and for Whom?Michael C. Freed, Laura A. Novak, William D. S. Killgore, Sheila A. M. Rauch, Tracey P. Koehlmoos, J. P. Ginsberg, Janice L. Krupnick, Albert "Skip" Rizzo, Anne Andrews & Charles C. Engel - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (8):30-37.
    Institutional review board delays may hinder the successful completion of federally funded research in the U.S. military. When this happens, time-sensitive, mission-relevant questions go unanswered. Research participants face unnecessary burdens and risks if delays squeeze recruitment timelines, resulting in inadequate sample sizes for definitive analyses. More broadly, military members are exposed to untested or undertested interventions, implemented by well-intentioned leaders who bypass the research process altogether. To illustrate, we offer two case examples. We posit that IRB delays often appear in (...)
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    New but for whom? Discourses of innovation in precision agriculture.Emily Duncan, Alesandros Glaros, Dennis Z. Ross & Eric Nost - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (4):1181-1199.
    We describe how the set of tools, practices, and social relations known as “precision agriculture” is defined, promoted, and debated. To do so, we perform a critical discourse analysis of popular and trade press websites. Promoters of precision agriculture champion how big data analytics, automated equipment, and decision-support software will optimize yields in the face of narrow margins and public concern about farming’s environmental impacts. At its core, however, the idea of farmers leveraging digital infrastructure in their operations is not (...)
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  45. Who Can Blame Whom? Moral Standing to Blame and Punish Deprived Citizens.Gustavo Beade - 2019 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 13 (2):271-281.
    There are communities in which disadvantaged groups experience severe inequality. For instance, poor and indigent families face many difficulties accessing their social rights. Their condition is largely the consequence of the wrong choices of those in power, either historical or more recent choices. The lack of opportunities of these deprived citizens is due to state omissions. In such communities, it is not unusual for homeless members of these particular groups to occupy abandoned lands and build their shelters there. However, almost (...)
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    Who is controlling whom? Reframing “meaningful human control” of AI systems in security.Pascal Vörös, Serhiy Kandul, Thomas Burri & Markus Christen - 2023 - Ethics and Information Technology 25 (1):1-7.
    Decisions in security contexts, including armed conflict, law enforcement, and disaster relief, often need to be taken under circumstances of limited information, stress, and time pressure. Since AI systems are capable of providing a certain amount of relief in such contexts, such systems will become increasingly important, be it as decision-support or decision-making systems. However, given that human life may be at stake in such situations, moral responsibility for such decisions should remain with humans. Hence the idea of “meaningful human (...)
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    Species-being for whom? The five faces of interspecies oppression.Mathieu Dubeau - 2020 - Contemporary Political Theory 19 (4):596-620.
    There is now an awakening to and recognition of the emotionally complex lives of some non-human animals. While their forms of consciousness may vary, some are indeed conscious and deserve political consideration. What that political consideration ought to be is the central topic of this article. First, I argue that interspecies justice must be understood in terms of the relationships that foster individual flourishing of all concerned. The obstacles to such flourishing are the five faces of oppression famously identified by (...)
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    Are the Kids Alright? Rawls, Adoption, and Gay Parents.Ryan Reed - 2013 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 16 (5):969-982.
    Scholars have extensively debated the family’s place within liberalism, generally, and specific attention and critique has been given to the family in Rawls’ work. What has received less focus are the requirements of parents in a Rawlsian polity and, further, what those requirements might imply for the one case where states explicitly regulate the process of becoming parents: adoption. This paper seeks to discover what might be required of parents, adoptive or otherwise, in a Rawlsian social contract state. Second, it (...)
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    Whose ethics and for whom? Dealing with ethical disputes in agri-food governance.Talis Tisenkopfs, Emils Kilis, Mikelis Grivins & Anda Adamsone-Fiskovica - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (2):353-364.
    In contemporary societies there is a continuous process of creation and destruction of ethics. Shared norms are fuzzy, as actors tend to share core principles but interpret them differently. In this paper we analyse three cases of ethical dispute in the agri-food sector by employing the distinction between matters of fact and matters of concern proposed by Bruno Latour. We further suggest that ethics in the agri-food industry should be considered in relation to collective goals such as sustainability and social (...)
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    How We Got to CRISPR: The Dilemma of Being Human.Rosemarie Garland-Thomson - 2020 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 63 (1):28-43.
    we always get to this difficult conversation one way or another when I'm talking to friends who have kids with disabilities. It goes like this: "If there had been a test for autism when my wife was pregnant with our son," my close friend tells me, "she would definitely have had an abortion." He tells me this with candor because he knows I know that this does not mean that he regrets having the son, grown up now, that they do (...)
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